Do you want to experience far more pleasure in your life?
Do you want to have more connection and intimacy in your relationships?
Do you want to feel connected to your body
Do you want your body, feelings and thoughts to be aligned so that you can save time by focusing on the important things in life?
Do you want to feel deeply nourished, nurtured and loved?
Do you want to feel more attractive?
Do you dislike your body? Do you feel body shame?
Do you want to feel in awe of what your body can feel and experience?
Do you think you’re not a real woman because you don't experience orgasmic pleasure?
Do you want to expand the amount of pleasure you can feel.
If so, conscious touch sessions can help.
Conscious Touch is a radical method that changes how your body understands pleasure. Your body provides messages and has its own intuition, however many people don't know how to listen to these messages.
Pleasurable touch facilitates a realignment of your body as Neuro-chemicals including serotonin, dopamine, oxtoxycin and phenylethamine start surging in your brain. Increasing Neuro-chemicals allows a re-wiring of the brain to occur which allows the body's internal messaging system to function correctly.
Body based sessions are a catalyst in them being empowered, energized and in tune with their sexuality.
Furthermore, many people in today's society are starved of touch. Touch can have lasting impacts on us. We can all remember moments where a hug or a caress changed our mood, especially when the intention has been comforting and loving. Touch is a massive catalyst in people behaving differently.
Touch deprivation affects our sleep, energy and how loving and kind we are to ourselves as well as to others. It also shows how we are missing out on the more joyous and pleasurable aspects of life.
According to Lynne Forrest, author of "Guiding principles for life beyond victim consciousness".
"The body is the historian of the mind. We keep a cellular record stored in the body of everything we have ever experienced.
We “wear” our history; the body knows and remembers our traumas, our highs and especially our lows, that get replayed over and over again through our aches and painful postures. Even our diseases and maladies come out of our history of pain.
There is a Wisdom in the body that knows how to “unwind” these life traumas and restore us to a state of greater health and clarity. Turn to it for guidance in and through the painful archives of your past."
Furthermore, childhood upsets that you may have experienced whilst you were too young to vocalise can still be stuck in the body. Accessing such traumas via talk therapies is difficult as the person doesn't even remember what occurred.
However, a somatic-based touch therapy can unwind these life traumas especially when we don't remember or understand how such traumas occurred.
Touch and somatic therapies, including tantra massage which facilitates the intuition of the body and improves how we communicate with ourselves. Having Conscious Touch session is a great act of self-love. It can increase the amount of pleasure your body can experience and with repeated sessions the level of pleasure increases.
My clients find that the body responds and then the mind follows, not vice versa, which is why many of them point to the fact that conscious touch including tantra massage has led to lasting positive experiences far quicker than the time spent in therapy/coaching.
The benefits they list include:
· Increase in energy and libido
· Better relationships with intimate partners due to a resulting improvement in how they communicate what type of touch they desire
· The establishment of better boundaries and the ability to communicate boundaries in their relationships
· A greater ability to receive one-way touch so they don't have to give back - as a result, they feel no pressure to perform
· Deeper appreciation and love for themselves
· A sense of their thoughts, feelings, emotions and behaviour now feeling in unison
· Being conscious and increasing their ability to respond, rather than being reactive
· Better sex and orgasms
Conscious Touch sessions are agreed beforehand. We discuss boundaries, desires and I will explain how you can ask for adjustments so you receive the type of touch you desire.
The duration of conscious touch sessions can be from 120-180 minutes. Each session is bespoke depending on the client's requirements, therefore the price range is between £180-£225 depending on the length and type of conscious touch session. Please contact me directly to discuss the type of conscious touch session that you’d love to have. There can be discounts for people who purchase a series of sessions.
A pre-screening 20 minute video call before the session where we discuss your requirements.
A discussion in setting boundaries, desires and manifestations.
Guided mediation, breathing and sound techniques.
Information on what actions you can take in your life to achieve exactly what you want
I am a member of The Association of Somatic and Integrative Sexologists and adhere to their code of ethics.
If you'd like to arrange an initial call to discuss if a session is suitable for you or if you have any questions then please use the contact page to communicate with me!